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Angelic Light
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Weather The Storm For It Will Pass

9th August 2016
When the storm hits and leaves a wake of what feels like disaster around us and when one can see no way out of a situation except the carnage which has been left behind: -
Remember storms are transient, things pass with time.  Within the `Eye of the Storm’ all remains calm, while what goes on around carries on but within the centre remains a calmness, rather like an objectiveness but still attached however separate to the outcome; nonetheless still a part of it whatever different experiences arises.  One thing is sure storms are transient and never remain the same within any minute of any day.  You cannot recapture a second or a minute in time as time does not stand still; therefore, new experiences await and one can view these as opportunities to grow or obstacles in life, to remain stuck in one’s own process of time.

You are such an invaluable person, whom already succeeded in life, remember life is about picking oneself up; success can be measured by not accolades but the amount of times of struggle, you got back up, dusted yourself down and started again, is not that success? it is success, a determination to succeed and overcoming obstacles.
I also heard a story of an inventor whom tried thousands of times in trying to invent a light bulb.  Apparently, someone had mentioned to them, `how does it feel to fail thousands of times’, the reply went along the lines of:- `I found thousands of ways to find out that it didn’t work that way, it was not failure’……..The person concerned picked themselves up time and time again and eventually succeeded with what they wished to achieve, it was all part of the process. What they had done was established through a process, succeeding time after time of what didn’t work, and improving on that, eventually establishing the magnificent product.  So it is an evolving process.

Imagine if you applied this to your life, remaining calm and centred irrespective of what is going on in or around your life at the given moment, as it is the moment that counts.
How would that make you feel?  Good!!

No pent up frustrations or emotions, not attached to the outcome, knowing if things are meant to be they will happen; going with nature, surrendering and releasing, not fighting against the tide or something we may already know intrinsically may not be right for us but we want it anyway.

Like a river or lake finds its own route to reconnect to its source, so will Love or Situations I believe reconnect and sort themselves out, if we do not force situations or try to control things.  

Remember, like the flow and ebb of the tide, the waves come in and out, just like situations in life.             So, keep on going in the right direction as they say, `before you were born, you were one of thousands of zygotes - and yet you were a winner, you were chosen and successful, you became an embryo, some went on to experience life, you all are successful, a winner in your own right.  You won the race for Life.   

Remind yourself of your humble beginnings of whom you really are, you are truly a success, a winner, it does not rely on other peoples’ opinions of you, but your own self-worth. 

You can set out to achieve what you wish, you are the one whom sets the course and the pace.
So remain Calm, Centred and focus on what you wish to achieve, do it with intention, a good heart and soul. 
When any rough seas are evident remember, they will soon pass sure as the smooth calm seas will come, just like various scenarios in our lives.

Angelic Light xx
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