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Thoughts on a Year's End, and the Possibility of a New Beginning

26th December 2024

Thoughts on a Year's End, and the Possibility of a New Beginning?

I'm thinking about the 1960's (which was when I had some of the best experiences, as well as a few very challenging ones) which are associated with the Age of Aquarius (although the Pisces one was, still, on its cusp) and  the revolutionary New Age movement: and music that had our Soul's dancing. That was when  the combination of Pluto (representing death and rebirth) and Uranus (rebellion and change) were conjunct with Virgo, merged to influence a major shift in consciounesss.

And right now, with many of us feeling that there's another one in the World's energy field, it could well be a return to what enough of us didn't fully understand (nor utilise) back then. Astrology is all about geometry, and the mathematical combinations forming a universal orchestra, out of our relatively close Planets, aligned with those in the Great Beyond. 

And it really is an Overture to a very necessary Awakening. As well as an Unearthing of the Shadows that have not been properly addressed, for far too long, whilst Humanity has focussed on Fear (and hence in the acceptance of various control systems) designed to keep us from exploring our options: when our fullest potential is to be found in creative Transformation, and Evolution.

How many of us will have looked back, at some point in our lives, when we wished we'd taken a chance, rather than the apparently safe route that led to an impasse? The Poet Robert Frost summed that up, when he wrote: " I took the road less trodden; and that made all the difference.

So, here we are, heading to 2025, under the influence of Jupiter (in Gemini) and Saturn (shifting into Aries) with their opportunities for radical changes in communication, learning, and the achievement of ambitions. It's a time to embrace new knowledge, to rid ourselves of some of the out-dated (often propagandised) information, purporting as Truth, to make bolder personal choices; and to (as Socrates said, many centuries ago) "Know Thy self: the unexplored life is not worth living."

The Astrologer, Eric Francis, recently said, from his core theory of an understanding of Sagittarius: " You're a kind of extra-terrestial spirit, visiting Earth; and for that reason, you must take special care to adapt to the conditions, here.... you need to know what is good for you, and what is not."

So, now's the time to discover your own inner music, and the advice (from your OWN inner navigation) that keeps you on the right road for you.  Expand your own inner horizons to summon, what you said you wanted to do create, when you were writing the script for your life, this time around.

Happy New Year.

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