A Medicine Bag is usually carried by one seeking the guidance, protection, and/or instruction of a Spirit Keeper or Totem. It is considered to be a representative of ones belief and trust in their Totem to guide them well through life’s journey.
Native Peoples also use their personal Medicine Bag as a shield, a defence against the darker side of mankind.
Medicine Bags are created through intense prayer, directed towards the individual who finds themselves drawn to a particular bag. The bag is created by either a Medicine Man or Medicine Woman or Shaman, most often referred to as a Healer. This is done by ‘direction’ or what has been called the Knowing. Its maker is counselled by his/her own guide, requesting the energy of fulfilment made manifest while giving thanks for an outcome beforehand, knowing that the prayers have already been answered.
Many times, the maker will also be directed to gift the bag to one who has ‘shown up’, an act of realization, completion of the prayer. A bags contents are gifts and are only revealed to the carrier. The bag itself should never be touched by another without permission first being sought. This allows another to demonstrate respect and honor.
The bag should never be worn in anger or in hostility as this act displays insincerity towards both the Totem and the carrier.
Medicines placed within the bag should never be man-made, monies, or synthetic prescription medication, but rather gifts of small memories, treasures of the heart. These might include stones, crystals, herbs, bones, feathers, or any other natural elements. These represent lessons learned or those sought. Medicine Bags worn by Native Peoples might also include certain elements of their individual Totem, hair, teeth, feathers, plant fiber, or bones.
The Totem itself has generally revealed its presence to the seeker, usually through dreams, visions, or repeated encounters.
It should be noted that the ‘Medicine’ placed within the bag is never for sale. The bag itself is the container and is therefore available for purchase, but its contents are gifted.
Medicine Bags themselves are gifted, given to a loved one, held with regard by the receiver, cared for by the giver.
Choose carefully as you add both your love and prayers to this gift. Be kind enough to yourself should you find the desire of a companion while on your path.
The onset of healing has already begun, therefore, hold no expectations.
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