The Magic Word that the Universe Responds to that is More Powerful than Gratitude
28th November 2024
The Magic Word that the Universe Responds to that is More Powerful than Gratitude
With the holiday season vastly approaching many of us go into the attitude of gratitude mode to help amplify the reason for the season. Yet what if I were to share with you a wee secret....that gratitude is free from being it! That there is a word, a secret word that is more powerful than gratitude that can change your life and make your holidays and well, every moment better and better!
Now I know, I are probably thinking has she gone mad? Of course gratitude is important during the holidays and even in every moment. And this is true, it is....yet it is the WAY in which you go about such that matters. The Universe is a vibrational frequency energy and thus responds to certain vibrations, frequencies, and energies that within the words we choose. Words cast a spell....ergo why we call it spelling. And different words carry different vibrational frequency energies that will bring about differing outcomes based upon both the actual vibratory nature of the word itself and also our intention within it both of which are equally important.
There is a certain vibrational frequency within the word gratitude. Whilst gratitude is a lovely word, generally speaking we tend to utilise gratitude in a past tense form ~ ie 'I Am so grateful for you' based upon something that this person did or said or 'I Am so grateful that this happened' or 'I Am so grateful that she/he/they came through'. After the fact energy means that it is done and over with, signalling the Universe that we have had our fill of (fill in the blank of whatever you have been grateful for), thereby making it so the Universe will no longer bring such forth to us continuously. Whereas this wee secret word I Am about to share with you actually creates a vibrational frequency magical energy all on its own because it actually increases what it is that you are feeling in the present tense rather than after the fact. It actually signals the Universe to bring more of what you are feeling/wanting/desiring into your life. And that word is....Appreciation.
Just as whence you purchase a house to turn it into a home filled with Love and all of the wonder, awe, and magic of life you live in it, a house appreciates in value. It does so why? Because of the Love, time, effort, energy, and aye, money (which is currency or current we see, the current of energy we exchange) into it, ergo our appreciation of it. The caretaking of a house which is the valuing of it, along with the monetary value that we collectively agree upon is what actually increases or appreciates in value that house. Thus, the same can then be said of anything we appreciate in our lives. Whereas the word gratitude is a word that is just there and an after the fact focus of 'doneness' and there is nae more, whatever you appreciate grows in value and it is right here, right now, in the present moment and is so continuously, infinitely.
So feeling a sense of appreciation, speaking this word, and taking action through this word is the what brings more magic, awe, and wonder into your holiday season and frankly into your life always, in all ways. I invite you to feel into this secret magical word appreciation and notice how much lighter, full of Love, soul fulfillment, and contentment you feel. Notice how hearing the word appreciation uplifts, touches, moves, and inspires you!....and then, I invite you to embrace it even further with saying such phrases as 'I Am appreciating (fill in the blank) in this moment' or 'Thank you Universe, I appreciate I Am (fill in the blank)' or whatever phrases you feel empowered to activate within your life; keeping in heart and mind that the words 'I Am' are also two of the most powerful words in vibrational frequency as whatever you place after those two words 'I Am' is a statement of who you are (ie 'I Am ill' or 'I Am empowered')....and then finally, within the spirit of appreciation, I invite you to take right action as Source/God/the Divine would do right here, right now in the present moment within appreciating another in giving in appreciation for the life and for all that is given you. For we are better whence we put our hearts and minds together through the vibration of appreciation.
May your holidays be bright, full of Light, within the appreciation of the magic that this season and every moment within the OM, this One Moment brings. For all we have is this now moment! Make it a special appreciative one! Much Aloha, in Deep Appreciation to you for the Light you are and for allowing me to bless you, assist you on this Sacred Path we call life.
Lady Nenari xxxx ???????????????
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Anya P - The Sparkling Gems of November