Tarot & Rune Reading
The Good Tarot
The Tower & Rune Inguz (NG) - Fertility Rune
Change of structure or foundation, may seem harsh - let go of the old and allow new and more fertile projects which will solve problems. Do not fear change as something better is ahead.
Numerology is occult significance with numbers coinciding with divine calculations of events., names and dates or a date of birth. There are different methods of Numerology. Numerology and tarot are connected. For example, we can also look at the Numerology of the Tower Card is 16 which reduces down to 7 which is the number of the thinker/creation Einstein number of science and mysticism. Careful thought is needed to come to a decision with strategy, discipline and planning for change.
Card - The Tower
Deck The Good Tarot - Colette Baron Reid
Angel A
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