Guest Speaker

Tarot Reading For Self Motivation

Self motivation and Self Empowerment
There are times when we all feel lacking on both of these fronts. We may feel under par, tired or just generally weary of keeping on, keeping on – and getting the same mediocre results from life.

So what on earth is going on? How come life is dragging you along rather than it dancing to your song? 
Well, sometimes we get so locked in a cycle we can’t see the wood for the trees. This is a great point to get a reading.
Now, you may just be asking for a tarot reading to find out when there is going to be a light at the end of the tunnel, and if the reading doesn’t deliver that you might feel disappointed. BUT, there is another way to look at this!
A tarot reading is the reading of the energies as they are in this moment. So stop and think – how could the reading bring super amazing results if you are in a place where? To be honest, if opportunity knocked on the door right now, you probably wouldn’t answer it thinking it couldn’t possibly be for you!

So, why have a reading now? How can you access your own Self Empowerment and become Self Motivated?  How can the cards help with that?

So, let’s work it through it here, the key word in both of these statements is SELF. The cards aren’t magic other than that they mirror to you what’s going on. And,  if nothing changes, how they will continue and come to fruition. 
Here comes the ,’magic; bit! It’s about the Law of Attraction and this is where your Personal Point of Power comes in to play – working with a reader can help you see simple, subtle changes you can make which can turn things around – shift your energy and you shift your Point of Attraction.

Your Point of Attraction is basically the signal that you emit that draws things to you, change the this – and you change what comes your way!

Your reader can highlight areas where you can re-evaluate and retake control. They can help you see the wood for the trees and see things from a new perspective. Suddenly you are no longer at the mercy of what’s coming your way – that sense of choice is self empowering in itself – it brings excitement! And that excitement  gives you refreshed  energy that can unlock the new Point of Attraction that you can have – then Ta Dah! You start to notice that things are shifting in your life, keep it going and you’ll get better and better results!

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