The carriers of messages from the spirit world, these beautiful majestic creatures can unlock the magic of the world.
Divination of these mythical creatures consists of 3 abilities: to read the actions, to read the colours and to read the individual species. When you have mastered these you can begin to read your everyday life with Ornithomancy.
You probably have your own set of birds that visit you in the garden, at work, when you walk the dog; these are your guides. They’re likely to stay with you for life or until what they represent is no longer needed. It will take 3 posts to cover this.
Today we will start with actions:
Horizontal flight - Goals will be reached but could prove tough.
Right to left flight – Goals will be achieved with ease
Left to right flight - Delays & obstacles with your goals, seek advice and rethink your plan
Flying straight towards you - Quick improvement, happy days ahead!
High and fast flight/ straight up - Speedy success
Flying away from you quickly - Proceed with caution, maybe rethink plans
Erratic flying/ take off and landing several times - Scrap plans start again, there could be unseen problems
Change of direction mid flight - Be flexible, plans may change
There are other actions of birds. Please feel free to book a reading for further explanations of behaviour by a bird guide that you can’t make sense of.
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