Guest Speaker

One act of kindness

So I thought I would write a blog!  Then I realised I have never done this, is it like a diary?  An open letter?   just rambling musings?  Is there a set point I’m trying to get across?  Still none the wiser, I thought I would just see what flows! 

I guess a good of a starting point as any was my Facebook status this morning.

My random musing for the morning! The world can be an evil and hurtful place, so why are we not looking after people close to us, be it geographical or emotional? Maybe it's my line of work, but I'm always hearing (and being an empathic being, feeling) how much we hurt each other, and not just accidentally! Every religion or belief system has something along the lines of "love thy neighbour" it's high time we all took heed. We are all equals, no matter your wealth, career, education etc the person next to you can always teach you something new.

This came after hearing how much children hurt and control their parents, even though they are parents themselves!  I am shocked at how much of this I come across!  Our parents are our only links to our past; we should always show them the love and respect we expect from our own children.

What shocked me is the replies I received from people who I thought were pretty much on the same wave length as me, one that stuck out was along the lines of “I keep my world happy, that is all that really matters” I theorised that this person meant that if they kept their life cantered and balanced then the world will follow suit.  To me this is not how it’s done! 

One small gesture of kindness will make someone’s day or week!  Just because that particular person will not return the gesture to you, doesn’t mean that it has not had a knock on effect and they in turn have made someone else smile, therefore creating a wave of inner happiness and peace.  So go on send text to someone to let them know that you are thinking of them, or drop by for a coffee, doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, just put some love into the world and watch it grow!

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