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New Moon in Scorpio

5th November 2018

There is a powerful New Moon in Scorpio on 7th November.

New moon symbolises new beginnings, a time to renew goals, desires and to create new


Depending on your time zone, this Scorpio new moon occurs at 16:01 GMT, 11:01 EST,

09:01 PST.

To heighten this new moon influence, write down your wishes and intentions for this new

Moon phase and give yourself a few moments of thoughtful reflection on the 7th.

Scorpio is one of the most sensitive, emotional and existential signs. This is a powerful,

reflective and cathartic time.

Scorpio is about authenticity and looking at source of what is holding you back, reflecting on

your core beliefs, ethics and existence.

Things to reflect on during this time:

- How do You Nurture yourself, Spiritually, Creatively, Emotionally and Physically?

- Family and Relationship patterns

- Intergenerational Karma

- Power Imbalances and Abuse of Power - Which Areas of Your Life does this Occur?

- How do you Harness and Express Your Own Personal Power and Sexuality

- Spiritual Goals and Expression

- Personal and Romantic life - is it Nurturing and Evolving or is a Re-assessment Due?

- Confronting Existing Fears, Prejudices or Beliefs about Death

- Recurring Themes or Power Struggles in Your Relationships that you may have Outgrown

or Need to Adjust

- Destructive or Stagnant Behaviour Patterns that need to be Discarded

- Creative and Personal Insights and Goals You Wish to Externalise


Crystals to work with that correspond to Scorpio:

Aqua Marine, which is a form of Beryl



Rose Quartz


Crystals work in accordance with the ebb and flow of the moon.

From New Moon to Full Moon the crystal is charging you - installing- with all the positive

thoughts and intentions you wish to beckon into your life.

After full moon, whatever negative emotion, thought, influence you wish to discard -uninstall is

absorbed by the crystal

This is an easy way to remember how crystals work in harmony with the moon:

From new moon to full moon:

It’s a + from the crystal to you = installing positive intention

After full moon to dark moon, day before new moon:

It’s a - from you to the crystal = uninstalling negative thoughts, experiences.

Wishing you all an insightful, creative and transformative Scorpio New Moon.



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