My first experience with a haunted house came from a chance meeting with a lady at my local Spiritual church. She explained that she owned a local shop and that it was being haunted by a tormented spirit. Whenever she entered the shop she had and uneasy feeling and some of her customers had actually seen the ghost. She had tried several Mediums but the ghost refused to move on. I explained it was my first attempt to communicate with spirit but I would give it a go!
I arrived late one afternoon, when the shop had just closed. As soon as I entered, I felt the presence of an old lady in spirit. She was nasty piece of work. Psychically, I heard her say to me “Get out of my shop!” I was badly un-nerved but carried on. I went all round the property reciting prayers and anointing psychic hot spots with oil. After a couple of hours, I was satisfied I had done everything I could. I stepped outside and was pushed to the ground by unseen hands!
I soon realised that if I were to continue in this kind of work I needed to ensure that I psychically protected myself. One week later the owner rang me to say the ghost had gone and business was booming! Since that day I have spiritually cleansed many properties and find it a fulfilling and some times challenging pastime.