Guest Speaker

Mantras for the Moment

Mantras for the Moment

Mars, the Sphere of War is not happy on pause, as the giant mass of fire is the epitome of action, and the Egyptian lion goddess Sekhmet has a powerful sway right now.

As political climes get frosty and we all feel a little shift, I came up with these helpful thought exercises for each sign. Let's reach within to our inner lion or lioness and paddle through the cosmic sea, refining and evolving in this potent time for alchemy of the self. It’s Sekhmet time!

Pisces: Presently it is not important what I do with my emotions, but how I feel about myself when those emotions are known that counts.

Aries: The integrity and trust I seek in others reflects my high standards in all areas of life.

Taurus: I must shine a light and be aware of my need to be seen as constantly active socially, and ask myself why that is defining my worth.

Gemini: Being on the outside looking in has helped me see things more objectively, allowing my future to incorporate pause for thought and reflection before acting.

Cancer: I feel afraid, yet I am going to move on anyway.

Leo: If nothing feels right anymore, I need to go back to the drawing board to re establish my own identity. I can draw and borrow from the gems of my creative, colourful past.

Virgo: Although I seem solemn to some, there is a brimming magma within me embodying white hot magnetic power. This is not the time to for me to stay in bed.

Libra: I can be a mighty success worthy of celebration, not a shrinking violet.

Scorpio: My hot and cold intimacy issues and sexual patterns cry out for reassessing. I face a truth I have long since hidden regarding my own desire for freedom and closeness.

Sagittarius: I should think about whether that person really did mean to leave me out.

Capricorn: I have enough to get through this and what I don’t have I won’t miss. I can change my perception to fit my own version of how things are shaping up.

Aquarius: My business plans are all over the place as dispersion of focus is beginning to show up everywhere I look. The best way through this is to be at peace with quietude, rather than fighting myself.

I hope you find these gems of wisdom helpful.

Gigi – PIN 600909

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