Guest Speaker

Love Yourself

One of the many subjects I’m asked to do a reading on is love, or “When am I likely to meet someone?”

 I speak from experience when I say sometimes it is absolutely ok to be on your own. Some relationships are such hard work or maybe even toxic that being alone is the better choice.

Nor do I feel that you need to be with somebody to be happy. Self love is the most important aspect, especially if you want someone else to love you.  How can you expect somebody else to love you if you can't love yourself? You will only attract hard work relationships and people that seek out people with low self esteem. 

Now I'm not saying it's all plain sailing. I don't believe we thrive on isolation and it is a wonderful experience to be in love and to be loved.  BUT... Life can be just as fulfilling with friends, family, animals and the whole wonder of the world

The age old saying “when you’re not looking, love finds you” is so true and it is because your busy loving yourself that others simply cannot help loving you too.

So love yourself, love the world and love life and love will find you. There are so many things in this world to love it doesn't always have to be another human being. Starting with yourself ensures you will always have love.

Emzycat-PIN 600435

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