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Love Blog

25th August 2019

Whenever we decide to enter into a relationship we never really think about the cost or sacrifices we'll have to face. The tolerance of imperfections, quirky details & bad habits we just don't notice at first glance. Until we invest the time it takes getting to know a person we can not let them into our hearts. It is easier said than done to accept somebody for who they are. We actually think we know our beloved until a day comes along where their actions we're unpredictable & our expectations were disappointed. The #1 reason behind this is because we often subject our visual & social opinions of love from a theatrical viewpoint from TV, media, family or past experiences. Spirit is always looking for a way to remind our hearts to clear our minds for messages & miracles that are often clouded by delusion.

We can only give love from the reservoir we have within our own hearts. A well has to be primed & pumped & most of the time it is never done alone but together with a partner. #Receptivity is the essence of a harmonious relationships if somebody ever told you that giving your all without getting nothing in return was noble than please run that is victimized thinking. A car that runs on fuel has to have gas or eventually it will be empty. Just like cars we have to be keeping our love on too. Speaking as a woman who has been through her share of unbalanced relationships I can clearly remember times when I suppressed my Psychic energy in order to adapt to a man I knew had low frequency. This only caused conflict & turmoil until one day I had to make a choice for my absolute #Happiness & choose #Peace No excuses. You deserve to be loved by the standards you're worthy of. ~So make your vow today as Light workers & mother's to surrender fear of being alone & embrace Peace of Mind. Because if a man who has Light for himself then he will never leave you blind.


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