Guest Speaker

Looking Back At The Past

How many times do we look back and relive childhood memories? Looking pack on the past, remembering the good times- have things changed for the better or for the worst? Sometimes we do this and look through rose tinted glasses so things appear better than they actually were at the time, making the present situation hard to live up. Other times it can be comforting to look back as you remember friends and family, or maybe it was actually better than you previously remembered it being.

Whichever way we view the past and whatever happened there, one thing is for sure, it helped to shape who we are today. By specifically looking at the good memories it can help us to remember how we viewed the world and how we made decisions and choices back then. Were we more innocent, did we see the best in people, did we look at the world in a simpler way?

By reflecting on these questions and memories it can help us in the choices we make today. We can't bring back the past or relive it, but we can try to recapture our lost childhood innocence and wonder. We can try to enjoy the simple pleasures in life again, unplug ourselves a little from the rat race, step sway from the tide of conformity that we're in danger of being swept along with.
We may be surprised how much our past can help us make the most out of today.

Looking at the past

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