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How Similar We Are

20th September 2020

How Similar We Are

One of the beautiful things about tarot reading is that it can make you realize just how many people are going through the same experience at any given time. So many people find themselves overwhelmed by doubts and fears, but if they were aware of the enormous amount of people going through the same, they might reconsider the size of your worries.

Yes, there are loads of people wondering if their love interest will call back, and loads of people going through break-ups too. The troubles of any given connection are complex and unique, yet at the same time very much alike to the problems faced by any other couple.

So, maybe before insisting on spending your time worrying and wondering if they will call back, picture in your mind all these people. Just like you, they’re waiting for that call, that text, that email.

Does that make you feel less lonely? No, you are not alone in this. So many people experience romantic troubled waters!

In many cases the problem is not just having to wait on someone’s call, but also wondering  what to do with the time you spend waiting, how to stay busy, how to switch off from thinking about it. That’s when speaking to a reader can be useful, not only for advice, but also to give you something to take your mind off your romantic troubles!

But, when problems flare up in your love life, or next time you feel like you can't take any more, stop and think. Close your eyes and think: I am not the only one going through this. In fact there is a whole world of people going through the same thing.

I hope this helps.

Kind wishes,

Lightbringer - 600745

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