How do you know if you have found the right one?
You don't. It’s that simple folks. There are no guarantees in Love and War. Life doesn't offer you a guarantee.
Some people like to know for sure and certain that they can bare their heart with one person and trust them completely.
But what if there are two?
Some people find satisfaction, emotional joy and fulfilment with two.
Some people have come out and spoken publicly about their ''threesome marriage'' for love in relationship.
What norms would probably have called'' threesomes ''in their day or ''two timing''...may actually be a new form of society structure in the future.
Some Psychologists and Prophets have written of a time where the new society will have a structure of three not two for society structure in marriage and family.
They presume this will be better for the children and childrearing as there are more adults available to share the responsibility there.
Some other Psychologists state quite emphatically that humans are not innately prone to fidelity or meant to be with just one mate for life.
We are not swans I suppose.
When two swans mate, they mate for life. Hence the parallel with soul mates.
Could this be the problem with humans in Society today and their Relationship problems?
Could they be searching for the impossible True Love in just One Union when it should be two mates not one.
Half and Half so to speak.
It could mean that one goes away to work elsewhere and the other stays ..or it could mean an eternally blessed trysting.
No jealousies suspicions or dissatisfactions.
Have you found your perfect two yet?
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