Guest Speaker

Halloween 17 Orange Is Back


A time to be seen

In Orange.


"Orange is the new black"

Orange is back!


A colour of courage, upliftment, desire

The powerful flames of the bonfire

On which we roast marshmallows

On this Eve of All Hallows


Let's celebrate with orange food

To uplift and improve our ebbing mood

Pumpkin, oranges, swede

Sweet potato, carrot

Ok, ok you can have some claret

If that is what tickles your yearning palette


Orange is the sacral chakra

Psychic and creative

For those who've passed

And those who live

Be they friends or foes

On this Eve of All Hallows


For some it's not just for Halloween

In orange that they are "always" seen

Construction, prison, monasteries

Funnily enough all on their knees

Working, repenting, praying

What's the message they're conveying

By wearing orange

The colour of Halloween

Who's the pray-er?

Who's the playa?

They all understand the pain of mire; the liar; desire

The message IS

We're all one and the same

Doing our best in this game

Called LIFE


Whether we're one of the straight and narrows

Whether we end up in the gallows

Or working our socks off on the fallows

Let's give thanks for this Eve of All Hallows

Where saints and sinners blend as one


Happy Halloween lovelies!

Happy Halloween

C xx





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