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Freedom Ritual

29th March 2020

Freedom Ritual

As life has it, we are often confronted with feelings of disempowerment and pent up frustrations we find difficult to express openly and which make us feel captive and shackled to guilt, grief, hate, jealousy and shame. Yet there are ways to manage those feelings and release them to manifest freedom, renewal and positive shifts. 

Here, I describe a simple and effective “write and burn” ritual to help free yourself from those unwelcome feelings.  Note that this ritual needn’t involve burning, it could be “shred and chuck in the loo” ritual or anything else you choose as long as the principles remain the same. 

I am a big fan of venting my frustrations on a piece of paper, to then burn that note either immediately or sometimes twenty four hours later, depending on my state of mind.  You may vent anything under the sun that troubles you as long as you let it go through the process of writing, burning and releasing. Remember, you are human and being truthful with yourself helps you get invaluable insights: Write it all as you see fit, no matter how mundane, ugly or unfortunate and importantly be aware not just of how you feel but also the intensity of those feelings. 

Once you are finished writing take a deep breath and write a concluding sentence or say something out loud of your choosing to release it all (for example: “I release you unwelcome, burdensome and frustrating feelings.  Now, I am free”).  Finally, burn that piece of paper (and of course, be safe in doing so). In the process of burning the note you set yourself free and you become more acquainted with self-awareness. 

Every moment is just that; One that you can choose to help you witness your feelings, to allow them, to release them and to manifest freedom. 

Thank you for reading.

Erika - PIN 600679

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