Following Your Dreams:
Exactly what are your dreams trying to tell you? Well that all depends. You have to determine if your dream is a warning, premonition, message or maybe a blessing.
Your first instinct is usually trying to figure what the dream meant, but maybe should be why you had the dream in the first place.
An easy guide is: Remember what you thought about when you went to bed, what you were doing (reading, watching TV, listening to music, etc.), and make a connection if possible.
What you eat before retiring can also make a difference. Some foods open the subconscious more than others. Some suppress, whereas others enhance. A little research on this can help.
To determine what lies behind your dreams, decide the category as…
Message: You easily remember the dream when you wake up, feeling the urge to do something.
Premonition: You see something that as far as you know, has not happened yet. This may involve people known or unknown to you.
Warning: An event, person or thing is the key focus in the dream. This could be a person, place or thing and not always familiar, usually with some action and/or result.
Blessing: Easily remembered and brings a smile or warm, content, serene feeling. These dreams are fortified by a heartfelt “Thank You”.
Colours are a very important factor when deciphering dreams. Research your colours and incorporate them into your daily life.
Dreams can open a world of opportunities, hopes, desires, and revelations and can help you live a more rewarding life…when you know what lies ahead.
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