Flames, Spells and Rituals
Candle flames can tell you a lot more than you think. During rituals, full moons, new moons or any time your calling on the universe, read the flame and see what you see.
If the flame burns clean and evenly, this is generally a good sign. When there is no movement, sound, dripping or smoke your spell work is going to plan and your work should manifest as expected.
if the flame burns strong, tall and bright, a quick happy result is likely; there is strong energy behind your spell and any blockages will quickly fall away.
If the flame burns small but steady this can show there is less energy for the ritual or the spell. More patience and focus is necessary for the spell to manifest. As you focus the flame might grow as the ritual progresses.
When the flame is small and weak this isn’t a good sign for your ritual work. The outcome you are asking for is unlikely to be granted, or the timing could be wrong. If the flame drowns in the wax this a is sign that your manifestation will not come to light at this time.
When the flame is big but erratically dancing it means the energy is high but chaotic. However, spells and rituals at this time are usually successful. If it’s a small dancing flame it could show that opposing forces are overwhelming your work.
When a flame flickers on and off like a light it shows spirits are present. This can mean they are working with you on your manifestation. If you have called upon guides for this ritual be assured they are there working with you.
When a flame is noisy, with pops and crackles, it can mean that there is interference. Something is working against your ritual work but if you concentrate, focus and strengthen your mind you can overcome this blockage.
When your flame goes out something has put a stop to your ritual. It’s good to ground yourself and realise that either no manifestation will come of this ritual or the positive your requests have already been granted and are in the process of coming to you.
When the flame doesn’t want to go out your work is incomplete. Go back, check you have done all that is needed as Spirit is urging you to add something to the ritual. Then try to extinguish again and see if it works.
Thanks for reading, if you’d like to learn more about rituals and spells, give me a call.
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