Vivian - PIN 500544 - Next Due: Tomorrow @ 11:00 (EST)

Energy - If You Think It, It Will Be

Happy New Year

When we herald in the New Year we often make resolutions to eat better, exercise and basically eliminate bad habits.  It isn’t always easy to keep our resolutions because we are feeling more pressure because of have set boundaries for ourselves.  There is a saying “if you think it, it will be”, this is how we often create our own failures and successes.  We keep thinking we can’t do it and voila we don’t do it.

So, going forward in the New Year give yourself positive affirmations.  Be more optimistic about what you are doing and what you can do.  Realize that it is just as important to have a healthy spirit and soul as it is to keep your physical body in shape.  Ease up on the pressure to accomplish all that you need to and know that you will accomplish everything by letting go of the pressure and working on issues day by day. 

Frame of mind is everything in all you do, so focus on your goals and put your plan into action without stressing or over thinking things.  This is a way to remove any blocks that may be in the way of your progress.  Once you learn to let go of the pressure, life and all that you are trying to achieve unfolds.

Vivian 500544


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