We all can find ourselves in denial at sometimes it can be a form of self doubt. Not believing or refusing our emotions or situations that present themselves in our lives.
Being in denial can be harmful, as when we refuse to accept a situation or not facing up to what is happening. It can seem comforting at the time, but will later surface and can escalate to form a much bigger problem. Try your best to acknowledge the main problem sometimes coping with small steps can help. Remember we all deserve to be loved and healed. Fluorite, Scheelite and Staurolite crystals are excellent for healing emotions. You could also use Carrelian and Malachite which are good for comfort. Muddy colours usually indicate cloudy or uncertain emotions. These emotions need to be clarified and dealt with to avoid going into denial; always do your best to find the underlying issues if there is any, as this will help when dealing with the main issue.
Communicating will help; talking to a friend, having a tarot reading or just writing your concerns down on paper all help you to understand your emotions and feelings. There are several help line numbers on Ask the Answer should you feel this could be helpful.
I work with the Angel Tarot cards. The Archangel Michael who is the angel of protection, his sword can cut you free of unhealthy energies. Archangel Ariel can help manifest the resources you may need; this angel works better outside as this is the angel of nature. Also, Archangel Jeremial helps well if you feel things come from the past, Archangel Jeremial will help release the past and stop you from punishing yourself.
I hope this blog has helped you and given you ideals to work with the Archangels and crystals. Changes are not always good or easy; remember changes can begin in this moment. You are willing to change and except situations as you deserve to be happy and joyful. Never be afraid to explore your feelings and emotions. I thank you all for taking the time to read this blog, and send plentiful of love and light. For an honest, trustworthy Angel card reading call me.
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