Deer Medicine has come into your life now to ask you to look at the power of Gentleness for yourself and others.
Apply gentleness to calm and ease your fears and use as a tool to aid your soul journey. Use Gentleness to bring clarity to any dilemmas you now face and help heal your internal wounds and hurts. Through Gentleness to yourself and others you can expand your inner awareness and learn that fears cannot exist where Gentleness and love abide. Gentleness will help centre you and precipitate balance and understanding if you allow it to flow within you do not seek to control it but allow it to manifest naturally. Be kind to yourself and feel the abundance of serenity and peace fill your path, knowing that with each step you take you will be loved and protected.
Honour your path as our souls honour the Great Spirit and you will touch the internal being of knowing.
Blessings Angel Mum xxx
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