Maria - PIN 500291 - Currently Unavailable

Colour Readings - Red Energy

Recently whilst doing some colour readings it came to my attention, how many individuals are currently lacking in red energy. This could be a result of the heat-wave we have all been enjoying or just life in general. But what was blatantly obvious is that we could all do with a little energy boost. Crystals are great for this, so the following are three that might just help with your flagging energy.

Red GarnetGarnet, this stone does come in a variety of colours, transparent, green and orange, but for our purpose use a dark red stone. Since olden times this stone has been used to guard against illness as well as evil energies. And it is said that in medieval times travellers used these stones engraved with power animals such as lions as a form of protection, as legend has it that they would change colour if a vampire, night ghoul, or any other mode of danger approached. But for us, it is our lack of energy that is the current danger, and Garnets are a great provider of energy.

Red JasperRed Jasper, I love these little stones, and they are affordable and always look good. They are known as the stone of strength. They help to support both your Root and Sacral chakras. By having one of these around you, you can help not only to boost your energy by also to enable yourself to deal more positively with any situation life deems to throw your way.

Black OnyxBlack Onyx, although not a red stone, I feel that this one deserves a brief mention. As this stone is known to support the Root Chakra, which is your red chakra. This is known as the stone of discipline and often when we are lacking in energy our discipline is the first thing to take a hike. So as you use the others to restore your energy, use a piece of Onyx to help you stay strong and persevere with what needs to be accomplished. Also use this discipline to make sure that you make time to meditate, as this will also help with to restore your energy.

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