Angelic Light - PIN 500727 - Currently Unavailable
Angelic Light

Be Your Own Valentine

Why wait for the stack of cards to fall through the door on Valentine’s Day on 14th February!!!


You don’t have to wait until Valentine’s Day to treat or for love to come through your door, its already there, you just haven’t paid attention or noticed it yet, it’s been knocking at the door for a while now!!

Yes it has, it is about you!!! Yes you, when did you last really treat yourself, pamper yourself and the most important aspect of all within our quest for life, learn to LOVE OURSELVES.  Yes, this is indeed an arduous journey to learn to love oneself, not based on the Ego driven approach, but you as a person, the deeper part of you, loving the whole of you.  I don’t think I have come across one person as yet whom loves the whole package of themselves, from a spiritual, soul, physical, social, personal perspective.  Yes they may like different parts of each but don’t love themselves. 

Well guess what, it is time to accept yourself, love yourself, whom you are and change the things you wish to change or not as the case maybe.

When you accept and love yourself more, wonderful things can start to happen, people’s attitudes change towards you, not that it matters as that is down to them, but your world can start to open up to new opportunities and love can come knocking at your door as you have now accepted, appreciated, understand and love yourself; this is an ongoing process. 

I believe as you too open up to yourself so the world opens up to you; you in turn love yourself, the world loves you back and you end up with love in return.  However remember, this is an ongoing process not just a process I believe to just attract love into your life.

You are the most precious person in the equation but often put others first, sometimes your needs have to come first too, so invest in you in all aspects, spiritually, emotionally, physically, at a soul level, your thoughts, nurture yourself, be kind to yourself, spoil yourself, treat yourself and YES be your own VALENTINE……



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