Welcome April!
What a wonderful month April is. Indeed it’s one of the best months of the year. Why? Because Spring starts here! That’s what makes April so special.
It’s like the invigorating ‘Death Card’ in the Tarot - a sure sign that magnificent positive transformation is on its way in and there’s no stopping it. However, difficult the winter may have been, however dead the garden might seem (in places) and however dull our senses may have become throughout the cold dark days of winter, now we can cast off our shrouds and put on our Spring bonnets!
When I read the cards I use two specialised oracle card decks which draw on ‘tarot’ wisdom. My death cards pronounce in big letters the following two words (depending upon which deck I use) TRANSFORMATION and RELEASE.
Let us take a hint from the cards and from April and look to our own lives for positive release of that which we no longer need, so as to transform, like the landscape, into something truly magnificent.
Happy April!
Verity x