Animal Therapy: How can animals boost our mood and make us feel happy again?
When I bought my second dog, Maisy, who is a pug I did lots of research on different breeds. I found that pugs are used in nursing homes and dental surgeries to decrease stress and anxiety. Animals help us to live in the moment and can be a source of great joy. Spending 20 minutes with your pet a day can even lower blood pressure and walking your dog boosts your mood and is a very sociable way to connect with others. I have made life-long friends from walking my dogs and it also keeps you fit. Most dog walkers are very slim!
So if you have a pet, make sure you make the most of your time patting and engaging with them. Notice the sensations you feel when you’re giving your furry a friend a good fuss. Stay in the moment and notice their heart beating under your fingers. As you do this, think of the unconditional love your pet gives you. Take time to allow yourself to appreciate what this beloved animal brings to your life.
On my travels I have met a lot of people who have felt alone and isolated until they found the love of a pet and the social side it brings to their life. We can’t always find our perfect partner, but an animal will love us unconditionally.
Thanks for reading.
Love and light
Jasmine - PIN 600595
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