Sometimes we take life too seriously and every little thing bogs us down. During such times we must learn to take things lightly, with a pinch of salt. No problem is worth so much stress and suffering. Problems eventually go away. Everything has something new to teach us, so look at things in a positive light. Also, the most important thing is to smile and laugh, your problems will seem so small!
Whenever you smile, everyone smiles back. Whenever you laugh, the world laughs with you. Laughter is indeed the best medicine. View all your experiences as positive changes in your life to attract more healing energy in your life. Archangel Michael, the protector, will help you with this.
Prayer: Thank you for helping me see the humour in the situation so I can lovingly laugh at human nature. I am willing to view my experience in a new light in order to attract love and healing energy.
What a perfect angelic message from Archangel Michael to start off this beautiful week ahead. Archangel Michael I thank you for giving us this message as we do need to take some time and appreciate more of humour in our lives. Archangel Michael may you be by our sides at all times.
Lots of Love & Angel Blessings!
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Guest Speaker - When Life Throws You Lemons