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Sarah N. Shadows - Pin: 700601

Sarah N. Shadows - Pin 700601- specialises in tarot, psychic, clairvoyant, medium, angel-cards, spirit-coach, astrology readings
About Me

I have been known as a Druid, a Witch and an Angel. I am drawn to helping people navigate the shadows of their transitions, using my intuition, listening skills and cards. I read Tarot, my extensive collection of Oracle cards and I practice Reiki too. I have been reading cards since I was a child and helping people since a very young age. I have a background in education, teaching office and computer skills, back to employment, for young school leavers and parents returning to the workforce, I have taught yoga for all ages, from prenatal to elderly, chair yoga and mum and babies, teen yoga, infant massage and peer massage. I have even taught English to language learners. I am also a poet.

Contact Sarah N. Shadows
Phone Readings
On Until 18:00 (EST)

Sarah N. Shadows offers a phone reading lasting 20 minutes for $39.95 with the option to extend for an additional 20 minutes for $34.95. Alternatively you can pay as you go with credits for $2.25 per minute.

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Last updated: 09/03/2025 21:01:23
FebMarch 2025Apr
Sunday 9 March 2025
17:00 - 18:00
About Me

I have been known as a Druid, a Witch and an Angel. I am drawn to helping people navigate the shadows of their transitions, using my intuition, listening skills and cards. I read Tarot, my extensive collection of Oracle cards and I practice Reiki too. I have been reading cards since I was a child and helping people since a very young age. I have a background in education, teaching office and computer skills, back to employment, for young school leavers and parents returning to the workforce, I have taught yoga for all ages, from prenatal to elderly, chair yoga and mum and babies, teen yoga, infant massage and peer massage. I have even taught English to language learners. I am also a poet.

Q and A
Are you typical of your star sign? If so, how?

I’m a typical Sagittarius Sun in that I’m very wary of commitment and I love to travel and explore new cultures, music, food, etc. I have an Aquarius Moon as well and for that reason I tend to see the bigger picture and think about future implications and how things can affect everyone. My Ascendant is in Taurus so that comes out in how I love a little luxury and I have been called tenacious.

How long have you been giving readings for?

I have been doing readings most of my life, since I was a child reading with my sisters and a deck of playing cards, and dressing up as a ‘gypsy fortune teller’ as a child.

What advice would you give to those customers contemplating their first reading?

IF you are contemplating a first reading, with myself or another reader, please keep an open mind. I personally do not do fortune telling nowadays, and I encourage a querant to learn to listen to their own intuition, and see the tarot spread or the Reiki reading as a snapshot of their ‘now’ and potentials based on absolutely nothing changing – which, as even science knows now – is impossible, once we have looked at the situation, your mind will already be calculating possible alternatives and adjustments to improve, based on your own intuition, or your subconscious biases, depending on what is running the show right now. So keep an open mind, always.

What do you do for fun outside of psychic readings?

Outside of reading, I love to play with my two young cats, I do a spot of tour guiding and I also love music, dancing and writing poetry, songs and stories.

What prompted you to start giving readings?

I think my mother prompted me to start reading, as she always dressed up as a Gypsy for Halloween, and my Dad as an Arab! They really made Halloween fun for us, and we played all the games. I remember her encouraging me to go next door and I did readings for all of the extended family there – I couldn’t have been more than 8 or 10 and I was terrified being alone in a room with the adults, who came solemnly in one by one for their readings! They were impressed, but it wasn’t until years later that I started to collect my decks, and read regularly for friends. Even later before I started reading for the general public. After I discovered Reiki, my sensitivities really increased and were no longer deniable.

What spiritual skills do you have?

I enjoy reading Tarot and sending distance Reiki. I remember also that my great grandmother came to visit when I was very small and she read my Mum’s tea leaves. That made a big impression, and the odd time I can read the coffee or the tea, too. I see signs in Nature and especially the clouds. I see number sequences and I believe that messages from the universe are all around us for those who have the sense for them.

What tools do you use within your readings?

My tools include, Tarot and Oracle cards (I have quite the set of collections!) Sage, Candles, Incense and Crystals. But whatever it to hand, really. For me, they are truly tools to access the Divine messages, Intuition, yours or mine.

What’s your most memorable psychic experience?

Most memorable psychic experiences oh my goodness, so many! My Granddad Albert always taps me gently on the shoulder. Looking back he’s always been with me, since he died when I was 3 months old. He came to see me as a Robin, and also through a mediumship reading done for me at a public group by a lady I didn’t yet know was actually a really good friend of my mother’s. He came to say my Grandmother was getting ready to leave this world, and opened an opportunity for forgiveness between us as we’d fallen out. I later wrote a song about this and performed it at an open mic with the cowriter on guitar. My grandmother refused to forgive me until she’d passed over, but my granddad assured me that we were all loved and he brought her to me in spirit after her passing to ensure we both knew we were loved and forgiven. On a daily basis, I always know when someone is about to call or is coming to the door. I usually know who it is as well. I can tell what is going on with the collective, and during my years as a yoga teacher, this was very evident. I’m very empathic and sensitive so I have to shield myself going outside and am very careful and conscious about my energy. Astrology and energy shifts affect me greatly too and so I’m often on a different timeline to people around me, which is interesting, to say the least! Some people might say I’m away with the fairies! And sure what harm! The fairies are great ;p

When did you discover your gifts?

I don’t know exactly when I discovered my gifts. It was very gradual. I think I remember always being aware, and friends always confided in me and asked me for readings. I think the era when my last Grandmother died and my friend within about 9 months of each other, both of whom I had fallen out with prior to their demises, were crucial to me recognising my mediumship.

Why should a client choose you for their psychic reading?

Choose me if you want to empower your own intuition or build your own self-confidence. If you need a little encouragement or guidance, or if you are a fledgling psychic yourself. I am big on energy healing, Reiki, Protection and Guidance, and passionate about empowering other women or lesser represented folks in society, minorities or those of you who might feel voiceless or powerless. I’m here for you, underdogs, LGBTQ+ family.

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