How long have you been giving readings for?
On and off most of my adult life, however on a more professional level around 10 years.
What do you do for fun outside of psychic readings?
Really quite boring, I just love to read a good book and get lost in it.
What prompted you to start giving readings?
Spirit. The pull to do it more and ore became overwhelming.
What spiritual skills do you have?
Medium, Psychic reader and Tarot.
What tools do you use within your readings?
Depending on the client, a selection of my Oracle cards or Tarot and spirit.
What’s your most memorable psychic experience?
Every experience is memorable. Knowing you are bringing comfort to someone.
When did you discover your gifts?
As a child I always had a way of sensing what was going to happen next so to speak.
Why should a client choose you for their psychic reading?
Because I am a no judgemental, honest reader.
Are you typical of your star sign? If so, how?
Yes, typical Gemini. Always on the go, always got things to do often all half started because I get bored and then go back to it 6 months later!