Are you typical of your star sign? If so, how?
I am a Sagittarius, with rising Pisces and Cancer Moon.. so I have a deep knowing and intuition under my flighty fiery humour!
How long have you been giving readings for?
I’ve read for over 30 years and counting!
What advice would you give to those customers contemplating their first reading?
Stay open to unlocking your belief system about now. The Spirit realm has always been guiding you… we just know how to direct your big questions and get the answers you need. Be patient, as the messages and guidance will reveal itself over time.
What do you do for fun outside of psychic readings?
I have always worked within the animal industry and can also read for pets~ here and of past. I am active in nature and have a beautiful 10 year old Doberman Pi.. so we are out fishing, beaching, bushwalking and finding nature when not here with you!
What tools do you use within your readings?
I love using the Marseille deck for Tarot reads and have multiple Oracle Decks from Spirit Animal, Past life, Kipper and Crystal Healing. I also align with Runes, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums and even throw down a few Scrabble letters for people coming into your life!
What spiritual skills do you have?
I am Clairaudience (Hearing) and Clairsentience (Feeling). I also work on intuition and have PreCog ability.
When did you discover your gifts?
There was a time when I watched way too much True Crime! However overtime, I was feeling much of what was happening to victims, able to identify places and locations; and who the perpetrator was- before the show even began. I was quite naturally distressed but took guidance from other Lightworkers to embrace my gifts of Clairsentient abilities and work with it.
What’s your most memorable psychic experience?
Hearing my Dad after he passed and working out the gift of Clairaudience! He guides me often, in reads and my own journey.
What prompted you to start giving readings?
The ability to connect to Spirit and find the burning life answers gave not only myself but anyone open to receive, so much gratification. It was an immediate relief to not be floundering any further in life and get where we are supposed to be heading. I love giving people hope for a brighter future.
Why should a client choose you for their psychic reading?
Why? Because I’m like the Sister you never knew yet. I’m in your corner cheering for you but I will shoot straight. I’m empathetic, funny and able to get on your level. I’m just the translator for your Spirit Crew to get your messages across. My strike rate is on point~ you will love your time with me and leave wanting more!