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Joanna - Pin: 600439

Joanna - Pin 600439- specialises in tarot, psychic, clairvoyant, angel-cards, astrology readings
Audio Intro
About Me

With over 20 years experience I am renowned for helping people with their relationships as well as dates, timings and a person’s in depth character on what they want or who they are including who you are too! I have worked for Sky TV, ESO TV as well as an Astrologer presenter over in France too. I am also a published author of The Love Key (how to use your Psychic intuition to find true love). If you are looking for new love, let me help you with all the details, dates, times, descriptions and also what to expect. I am told I have a very positive outlook on all readings, to tell you what you need to know as well as what you are going through currently too. There will be things in your reading, you may not have thought about, until I bring this to the surface. This may be lessons in life you are learning. You will come away feeling more uplifted, more secure in yourself and also know where your life is now heading.

Contact Joanna
Phone Readings
Currently Unavailable

Joanna offers a phone reading lasting 20 minutes for $29.95 with the option to extend for an additional 20 minutes for $25.95. Alternatively you can pay as you go with credits for $1.75 per minute.

IM Readings
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Joanna offers a chat session priced at 150 credits per minute

Email Readings
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Last updated: 29/03/2025 12:35:35

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About Me

With over 20 years experience I am renowned for helping people with their relationships as well as dates, timings and a person’s in depth character on what they want or who they are including who you are too! I have worked for Sky TV, ESO TV as well as an Astrologer presenter over in France too. I am also a published author of The Love Key (how to use your Psychic intuition to find true love). If you are looking for new love, let me help you with all the details, dates, times, descriptions and also what to expect. I am told I have a very positive outlook on all readings, to tell you what you need to know as well as what you are going through currently too. There will be things in your reading, you may not have thought about, until I bring this to the surface. This may be lessons in life you are learning. You will come away feeling more uplifted, more secure in yourself and also know where your life is now heading.

Latest Reviews for Joanna (1)

Lovely lady lots of detail highly recommend picks up things instantly. Will see when new love pops up after Christmas

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