Are you typical of your star sign? If so, how?
Yes and no. Typical in the sense that I'm a dreamer, sure, but no in that I'm a night chart; I'm a lot more like my Leo moon (critical degree - which has more Cancer moon traits) in the 8th (Scorpio) house. Between my CLM in 8th as a night chart, and my rising being Scorpio, many people who know me in real life feel that I'm very scorpionic.
How long have you been giving readings for?
13 years, where I started giving real life readings in a crystal shop on the west coast of Canada during University.
What advice would you give to those customers contemplating their first reading?
Really assess and get a feel for the reader before you select one. Know if you can be vulnerable or comfortable with them, as there is a soul transfer and agreement being made when you decide on getting a reading. Imprints, access, and mini attunements can and do happen during readings.
What do you do for fun outside of psychic readings?
Power lift, downsize my life, painting often, baking.
What prompted you to start giving readings?
My paternal grandmother was an astrologer. My mother has been giving readings since the mid 80s and taught me. She suggested me to do so, and that was something I didn't master or start doing until my young adult years.
What spiritual skills do you have?
Foresight, intuitive dreaming, dream interpretation, clairvoyance and clairaudience, my strongest ability as a Gemini South Node in 7th - Is my ability to help others as someone who mastered the gift of the psychopomp/Hermes in past lives, meaning I assist others on the path of the right direction.
What tools do you use within your readings?
When it isn't no tools, it is oracle and tarot cards, automatic writing and spirit guides.
What’s your most memorable psychic experience?
I've had two incidences of helping people see their deceased children; it was unprompted, and I was not aware they had deceased children with them. I described both down to names and ages perfectly, but could not speak with them (I am not a trained medium). The other incident was helping remote view someone who went missing (family friend's son) and he was attempting to run away. I provided them the general location I saw, as well as the vehicle and what type of injury their young adult son had. They found him in the exact area, location, injury and vehicle (not his own vehicle) alive within 24 hours.
When did you discover your gifts?
It is ever flowing. I struggled with sleep paralysis and seeing spirits at the age of 6. We are all capable and in tune, it is a matter of knowing how to do it.
Why should a client choose you for their psychic reading?
A client must only choose me if their spirit has called them to do so, and it should be with the intention of closure, information exchange, or a solution. My work is to assist people in their path, to listen and fulfill what others in their waking life may not be helping with.