Are you typical of your star sign? If so, how?
Yes in many ways I am earth and loving but I'm not stubborn or immovable.
How long have you been giving readings for?
20 years.
What advice would you give to those customers contemplating their first reading?
To breathe slowly and connect to their body and ask the universe to guide them to what they need to know next in their life for their highest outcomes to be receivable and actionable.
What do you do for fun outside of psychic readings?
I am in groups to meet new people.
What prompted you to start giving readings?
I see ethereal beings of light and hear the soul speak.
What spiritual skills do you have?
I am connected into the elements of nature I work with hearing the soul speak and pass on the information. I’m a medium to the spirit world and I am divine channel for the ascension times guiding through all aspects of our experiences, be it work choices, or love.
What tools do you use within your readings?
Mostly I channel but I do use tarot.
What’s your most memorable psychic experience?
Being surrounded by light beings at my bedside with nightly visitations and seeing into the ethereal realms.
When did you discover your gifts?
I’ve always been different and sensitive to energies.
Why should a client choose you for their psychic reading?
I am authentic true and honest it’s a vibration that I endeavour to always be no matter what situations come along. I am a channel to respond to your souls calling, to guide you into the best decisions available.